Publications by Prof. Dr. Sascha Schanze

Showing results 51 - 60 out of 87


Tabak, I., Asher, I., Nasser, S., Kyza, E. A., Herodotou, C., Nicolaido, I., Redfors, A., Hansson, L., Rosberg, M., Oldershaw, C., Constantinou, C., Van Der Meij, H., Schanze, S., & Kollias, V. (2011). Increasing International Capacity for CSCL: CoReflect, an example of sharing and adapting CSCL environments across europe. In Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conf. Proc. - Short Papers and Posters, 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 904-905). (Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conf. Proc. - Short Papers and Posters, 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conf.; Vol. 2).


Asher, I., Nasser, S., Ganaim, L., Tabak, I., Kollias, V., Kyza, E. A., Nicolaidou, I., Terzian, F., Hadjichambis, A., Kafouris, D., Redfors, A., Hansson, L., Rosberg, M., Schanze, S., & Saballus, U. (2010). The educative and scalable functions of authoring tools to support inquiry-based science learning. 236-243. Paper presented at 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2010, Chicago, IL, United States.
Bell, T., Urhahne, D., Schanze, S., & Ploetzner, R. (2010). Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Models, tools, and challenges. International Journal of Science Education, 32(3), 349-377.
Grüß-Niehaus, T., Hundertmark, S., & Schanze, S. (2010). Computerbasiertes Concept Mapping - Inhaltliche Zusammenhänge erkennen und darstellen. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, (117), 32-37.
Grüß-Niehaus, T., & Schanze, S. (2010). Lernervorstellungen zum Dichte-Begriff. Chemkon, 17(2), 71-74.
Hundertmark, S., Saballus, U., & Schanze, S. (2010). Die Fallstudie als Methode naturwissenschaftsdidaktischer Forschung. In D. Höttecke (Ed.), Entwicklung naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens zwischen Phänomen und Systematik.: Jahrestagung in Dresden 2009. (pp. 191-193 ). Lit-Verl.
Sieve, B., Schanze, S., & Schrader, F. (2010). Waschen mit Waschnüssen - Experimente zur Grenzflächenaktivität von Saponinen. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, (115), 43-48.
Slotta, J. D., Schanze, S., & Pinkwart, N. (2010). Guest editors' introduction. Research and practice in technology enhanced learning : RPTEL, 5(3), 155-160.
Urhahne, D., Schanze, S., Bell, T., Mansfield, A., & Holmes, J. (2010). Role of the Teacher in Computer‐supported Collaborative Inquiry Learning. International Journal of Science Education, 32(2), 221-243.


Eilks, I., Markic, S., Bäumer, M., & Schanze, S. (2009). Cooperative learning and peer-tutoring in higher level chemistry. In I. Eilks, & B. Byers (Eds.), Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education (pp. 103-122). RSC Publishing.